Website Changes: Wha' Happened?

Hey Waders!!

If you hit the website often you've noticed some pretty drastic changes in the last couple weeks. Some might call it no-frills, simpler, etc...

These days the number of folks who access the net from their mobile devices is skyrocketing and there are many ways to make the most of this. One way is to spend a ton of money on a downloadable app with limited functionality and customization. We've decided NOT to go that route. We've decided to update our existing website to provide the most user friendly experience across ALL platforms, whether it's your computer, tablet, iphone, windows or android device you'll be able to read, request and listen with ease with no downloads. Just navigate over to, wait.... If you're reading this you must already be here. Congrats, you're home on The Shore!

(PS, Not supposed to tell you this but we've got something really big and fun planned after the first of the year... SHHHH!)