Hi gang! Here's a throwback to when we were shooting pics for 2006's "A Bar Down in Mexico" album.
Yep, Giggles is still serving 'em up at her legendary bar, I mean house, in San Carlos! Hey, have a great pic of YOU at A Bar Down in Mexico? Or a fun memory of the place you can reply with? If so, we'll do a little tribute to the place, AND Giggles, during Monday night's Facebook Live show. Shoot it to me and we just may get YOURS in! The show will be Monday, 5PM Pacific/ 8PM ET, on my Facebook Fan Page. Hope you'll tune in and sing along. "I'm gonna buy me...a bar down in Mexico!"
It's true! After intense negotiations, Rudy B will stick around San Carlos to join me ONE MORE time! Yes, he was tempted to return to those 115 degree Phoenix temps but as San Carlos is known to do, he just can't convince himself to leave. You can partially blame Seaside Realty, providing him with an AWESOME Pelican Beach condo for the rest of his stay.  I promise, we'll evict him (and deport him) after the show! Mark your calendar and join us Monday, 5PM Pacific /8PM ET and thanks for forwarding this to a friend.
 PS REPLAYS of LAST Sunday AND Monday's shows are now up on YouTube 
 See you Monday and send me those pics!  Mark   www.markmulligan.net